
5 Tips to lose your weight by walking

5 Tips to lose your weight by walking

Losing 5 kg within a month is an achievable goal with the right approach, and walking can help you achieve it. Here’s how to lose weight in 30 days by just walking.

Establish Realistic Goals

Before anything else, set achievable goals that can be measured. Losing 5 kg in one month through walking means that you will have to exercise regularly and adopt healthy lifestyle changes. Weigh yourself every week so as to track progress and adjust if need be.

Increase Your Walking Time

To lose weight, you must burn more calories than those consumed. Hence start by taking a 30-minute walk each day then extend it to 60-90 minutes per session eventually. Ensure you go for at least five days or six walks in a week consistently.

Mind Your Speed

Walk at moderate-speed or briskly if possible because this helps in weight lose or burning calories too. Normally, brisk pace is about four to six kilometers per hour (km/h). If still able to talk but feel somehow strained while on the move then probably your speed is okay.

Incorporate Interval Walking

Interval walking refers to alternating between fast and slow paces during one session of exercise where you could walk fast for two minutes then take a minute break by slowing down before repeating such steps again subsequently. Thus making metabolism work harder thereby resulting into more burnt fats which lead faster weight reduction.


Select The Right Terrain

Change your route by including different types of surfaces like hills or bumpy places when convenient. Since it increases intensity levels burnt more so than treading on flat ground would do due unevenness forces body unto working extra harder. Thus burning up additional amounts of calories along the way.

Monitor Your Dieting

Perhaps exercising alone may not be adequate enough without eating properly. Hence while at it try sticking onto well balanced diets comprising mainly fruits, vegetables as well lean proteins coupled with whole grains for faster results. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks and snacks that have high calorie content since they only add more weight; plus watch out on portions too.

Ensure You Hydrate

Taking water before, during and after walks is very important because this helps in keeping energy levels up throughout the activity besides preventing overeating by filling stomach thus making one feel less hungry than usual.

Count Your Steps

Buy a pedometer or download smartphone app that counts your steps each day then strive to hit 10 k-15 k on daily basis. Which can be even achieved through short walks broken down into several parts throughout the day. Making it easier for anyone regardless of their schedule hence boosting motivation levels greatly over time.

Introduce Weight Training

Walking is good for burning calories but adding some strength exercises like squats, lunges & push ups among others will also enable muscle growth. Thus increasing metabolism rate leading faster fat loss as well.

Keep The Flames Alive

Losing weight requires commitment therefore one must stay motivated all along by setting small targets with corresponding rewards upon completion thereby keeping focused such as buying new workout gear or taking day off work etc. Since incentives act as driving forces towards attaining set objectives eventually.


It is possible to lose 5 kg in a month just by walking if you follow the right plan. Increase your walking time, monitor what you eat and drink enough water among other things and you will achieve your weight loss goal within the specified period. All the best!

Written by Health And Care

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