
Migraine: Symptoms and Treatments (2024)

Migraine: Symptoms and Treatments (2024)

Migraine: An Overview

More than severe headaches, migraine is complicated neurological conditions that can show up as intense throbbing pain. They also feature light and sound sensitivity, nausea or vomiting, and visual disturbances. They interfere with daily life for millions of people worldwide.

What Causes Migraines?

Genetic and Environmental Factors

Both genetic and environmental factors are believed to contribute to migraines. If members of your family have experienced them in the past, chances are high that you will too. Stress can be an environmental trigger for some individuals. Others may find hormonal changes or certain foods such as chocolate helpful in bringing on an attack. While still others might find sleep patterns effective.

Brain Chemistry and Migraine Triggers

Serotonin levels in the brain may fluctuate during a migraine attack. Because serotonin is involved with regulating pain within our nervous system. This could explain why certain things always seem to set off these types of headaches more than others do! Other common triggers include:

Hormonal changes: Many women experience migraines before or during their periods when estrogen is low.

Dietary factors: Some people get migraines from eating aged cheeses or salty processed meats like hot dogs. Skipping meals can also cause one.

Stress: High levels of stress can lead to attacks for those prone to them already.

Sensory stimuli: Bright lights, loud sounds, strong smells. All these things have been known to bring about migraine episodes. Among sufferers who are sensitive enough towards such stimulation changes in sleep. Both lack thereof too much sleep either way around has been known have adverse affects upon peoples’ head space leading into headaches being triggered off by it rather easily actually…

Common Symptoms of Migraines

Aura & Visual Disturbances

Auras often occur just before a person gets sick with a migraine headache. During this time they might see flashing lights move across their field of vision. Which looks like zigzag lines without gaps or blind spots in them. Other times there may be numbness/tingling sensations over parts such as face, hand fingers. Difficulty speaking clearly sometimes even slurred speech and muscle weakness.

 migraine headache

Throbbing Pain & Sensitivity

Throbbing pain is a common symptom of migraines. This pain could be on one side or both sides at the same time. But usually localized on either left right temple area towards back top. Half scalp region not lower down towards neck base skull area. People also feel light sensitive so bright sunlight makes it worse for them. Sound too loud so they wear ear plugs or cover their ears with hands/double up hearing aids etc.

Smells could trigger off migraine episodes too like strong perfume etc. Taste buds become oversensitive hence metallic bitter taste develops upper inside mouth palate next to throat region. Where tongue touches roof.

Nausea & Vomiting

Nausea is another frequent symptom of migraines. When this happens people often start feeling sick to the stomach and eventually throw up. Which can happen once twice thrice repeatedly until there’s nothing left in tummy.

But bile saliva mixed together; then dry heaving occurs where no fluids come out anymore. Just air being pushed upwards against closed mouth lips tightly sealed shut over teeth clenched hard grinding into one another.

Treatment Options for Migraines


There are many different types of drugs available on prescription or over-the-counter. Some work best if taken at first sign an attack. While others may need be used preventive every day, weeks, months, years depending upon severity frequency, duration, age, sex, race, location climate, seasonality, lunar cycles, zodiac signs, planets, stars, solar flares, magnetic fields, vibrations, frequencies, oscillations etc.

Most people find that taking too much medicine too often only causes more headaches later because body becomes resistant towards these chemicals. So they don’t work as well anymore. Likewise using too little medication not enough times will likely fail provide adequate relief also.

Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies

As well as medication, there are many things that may help prevent migraines or at least lessen their severity. Some people find it helpful to:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or yoga.
  • Keep a diary of what you eat and drink, noting any potential triggers that could set off an attack.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day; dehydration is one common trigger for migraines.
  • Take frequent breaks from screens or bright lights if they make your head hurt more than usual.

Alternative Treatments

Many individuals have found alternative treatments to be helpful in alleviating their migraines. Some of these include such things as acupuncture, biofeedback, and herbal remedies like butter bur or fever few. While they can be used together with more conventional therapies, it is important to talk about them with your doctor.


Migraine is a very severe illness that requires an all-inclusive management strategy. Identifying the causes, understanding the symptoms and adopting various medical as well as lifestyle interventions may greatly enhance the quality of life for people living with this condition. If you frequently experience migraines or suffer from severe ones then it is vital that you seek professional help so as to come up with an appropriate treatment plan for yourself.

Written by Health And Care

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