
The Rise of Obesity: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

The Rise of Obesity: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Despite it being preventable, obesity has become a multi-dimensional issue affecting a substantial number of people all over the world. It is important for individuals, communities, and policymakers to recognize its causes, effects, and possible solutions.

Explanation of the circumstances

Excess body fat is mostly measured in numbers using the body mass index BMI. A BMI of over 30 qualifies one to be while a BMI of 25-29.9 is deemed high weight. It is more than skin deep as this particular duality is linked to multiple other chronic conditions including diabetes, heart diseases and some cancers.

Obesity in Relation to Human Health

1. Dietary Habits

Many Americans suffer from obesity due to the fast, ready to eat processed foods they consume. The amount of empty caloric intake is alarming. Physical inactivity, controllable food intake, emotional and inherited issues are all contributors to obesity as well. The food trends nowadays are sugar-heavy fast foods, lots of baked goods that are usually dominantly carbohydrates and also calorie dense junk foods.

2. Lack of exercise

warm up

The amount of activity people do on workdays average about 10 to 15 minutes a day. This inactivity leads to accumulation of fat in the body over time. Obesity prevalence rates have also been closely linked to sedentary behavior through television or a computer usage interlinked with social media platforms.

3. Genetics

Genetics as a cause of obesity can be more markedly important in some populations than others. Certain individuals may have a genetic factor which directly affects fat metabolism and storage, or hunger hormones. Although obesity cannot solely be attributed to genetics, factors of one’s weight are influenced by genetics.

4. Socioeconomic Factors

Socioeconomic factors are definitely linked with obesity. People living in areas with lower average incomes might face challenges in receiving necessary healthy food, exercising in a secure environment and other healthcare services. This situation may contribute to increased incidence of obesity in these social groups.

5. Psychological Factors

Obesity has also been said to result from emotional and psychological factors. People with stress, anxiety, and depression tend to overeat, or eat unhealthily. Some may consume food for comfort purposes, and in so doing, gain weight.

Effects of Obesity


1. Health Complications

Obesity is also associated with a wide range of health issues such as the following:

Type 2 Diabetes: When there is a lot of fat around the body, the chances of becoming insulin resistant increase causing diabetes.

Heart Disease: Obesity increases the risk of heart complications to occur in individuals such as hypertension and heart attack.

Joint Issues: Individuals suffering from obesity are more likely to experience stiffness and limited mobility, as joints become arthritic from the excess pressures placed on thin structures.

Specific Types of Cancer: Studies have shown that certain types of cancers such as breast, colon, and endometrial cancer are more prevalent in persons with obesity.

2. Psychosocial Effects

High weight individuals do experience stigma and discrimination which may lead to a low self-image and mental health issues. A cycle of emotional distress follows which leads to overeating and exacerbates one’s weight situation.

3. Economic Effects

With the increase in the number of people also comes economic burden. Adequate healthcare for those with obesity and other related conditions can be costly both to the individuals and the healthcare systems. Factoring in also the economic loss because of productivity due to health problems brought about by obesity is worth considering.

Measures to Tackle Obesity

1. Encouragement of Healthy Diets

There is need to promote proper nutrition that includes an appropriate amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Initiatives can help the masses identify what food is healthy and help them eat in moderation.

2. Contribution to Increase Physical Activity


The community can provide physical activity by having safe places to exercise such as parks, walking paths, or recreation centers. Employers can make exercising easy for the workers by providing incentives for exercise.

3. Obesity and Its Causes – Psychological Aspects

For example, stress management techniques help deal with heightened emotional states that might promote overeating. Psychotherapy and groups of mutual help could be great in the context of preserving the mental health of the patients.

4. Policy Changes

There are policies that governments can enact that foster the incidence of suitable food environments, such as principles regarding advertising of junk food aimed at children and stimulating the provision of healthy food options in education and employment institutions.

Written by Health And Care

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